The School Nationals

3B Videos

GEO 09 Exam Calender

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Sec 3 Aesthetic Exposure
Sec 3 Aesthetic Exposure
Soccer B Div 3B Players

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What do You believe in?

"What do you believe in? "

How much are the memories of your youth worth to you?
What would you give to relive the best days of your life?
What makes life special to you?
What do you look forward to when you wake up day after day?

There are 2 people in VS who couldn't be more different:
One is a Maths teacher who's a fantastic runner; the other is a pe teacher who sucks at running.
One used to work as a life-guard at Sentosa; the other used to hang around China-town late at night.
One spends his entire day in school; the other spends his entire night in the hostel

But they shared a common belief that they could do something more for those they taught.
They shared a common purpose in believing that they could make a difference.
They left school each day, each going their own way, yet believing that tomorrow would be a better day for all of us.

There are 2 people in VS who couldn't be more different and yet ended up doing the same thing.
There are 2 people in VS who couldn't be more different and yet ended up believing in the same things.

They believe that it is possible to change coal into diamonds.

They believe that it is possible to turn water into wine.

They believe that we can all be something more.

They believe.......... in YOU

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