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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Combined Humanities Homework

hi all,

Here's the homework from Mr Sham

Homework for Social Studies: Email to my foreign friend

From Jorge in Spain:
"Ola amigos! I heard a lot about Singapore’s peace, security and
economic progress. How did you manage to do this without the problems
so many other countries have, especially where so many different people
live together? Vamos!

Email me by 18th August Monday 2359hrs Singapore time (extended), with
the vote for the favorite identity as a footnote. Adios!

Jorge Sanchez"

I've also attached the handouts including the teacher's copy in case
some of you guys managed to somehow lost it (?!). For the video you can
watch it at this website

Also, in order to address some of your concerns of difficulty in
understanding CONTENT, I would encourage you to watch the National Day
Rally on Sunday (after the ping pong final of course!), in whatever
language you prefer. This will help you A LOT for your contextual
knowledge in the managing diversity section. Use the reverse side to
put in the respective headings.

Read this document on Scribd: view

I will also upload to my own blog at later, so you
can check that out and other entries.

Enjoy your Olympics and may we all have fun learning.

Go Singapore!

coach sham

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